Chef Kimm.
My name is Kimm, yes spelled like that! I put Elohim first in all I do. I have a sweet boy named Ricky who is diagnosed with autism, he is my world! I was born and raised in Louisiana and obviously, I love our food! Growing up I watched many family and friends and even myself suffer with health problems. One would say “It just runs in the family” but it’s not just diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure problems, and so on running in the family… it’s the eating habits running in the family! I knew I had to do something; I wanted better for myself and my family! I didn’t want to switch to bland mainstream “healthy” food, so I researched and continued trying new things with my food recipes! I discovered it’s not necessarily it being cajun, southern, country, or spicy that makes it unhealthy, it’s the ingredients! It’s about where the vegetables and herbs were grown, grown with what, and preserved how? It’s about the type of meat and the diet it was given and the environment it was raised in! What additives does it have? Does it have dye in it? Chemicals? The amount of food they sell to everyone that has poison in it is astonishing! I make as much as I can from scratch, so I know exactly the ingredients in it! I make sure my vegetables are locally sourced (if possible) and organic! My meats are “clean” meats such as cow, chicken, turkey, lamb, ox, salmon, redfish, etc, and never swine or shellfish! They are raised free or wild caught with a healthy diet!